Big Oil Sucks - Olive Oil That Is

Updated Mar 04, 2019

It’s not just in America that companies have gotten too large to produce good food at a reasonable cost. In Europe, the big olive oil companies have been churning out vast amounts of mislabeled industrial crap olive oil and selling it a prices that would make you think it’s decent.

If you could all come to Tuscany and taste a real olive oil (like my neighbor Enrico’s) against the industrial version of “Extra Virgin” oil, you’d gasp at the difference.

How can there be such a difference? Lies of course. Right there in the (big bucks) advertising. Read: The lies hiding under the labels of extravirgin olive oil

Remember to support your local neighbor. Buy his olive oil. Oh, wait, you don’t have one? Well, encourage someone. Or do it yourself. It’s not that hard. Here’s a video

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